The art of the deal电子版是小编为大家收集的中英双语版,而且是百度云的电子版,支持各种阅读软件和工具运行,你可以随时随地的打开阅读,而且内容和正版的一样,一字不差,需要的下载吧。
The art of the deal电子版内容简介
2016年是美国的大选年。美国人民已经厌倦了所谓“政治正确”的油嘴滑舌且模棱两可的政客们(比如,小小布什)的那一套,他们需要一个敢说真话,性格十足的人替他们发出强而有力的声音: "Make America Great Again!"(针对穆斯林难民,墨西哥边境,贪婪的华尔街,错误发动的伊拉克战争,欧巴马医保,等等),所以床铺的暂时领先不是没有道理的。就在去年,床铺还被认为只是一个“搅局者”,“跳梁小丑”,而现在他赢得共和党提名的希望很大(共和党的大佬们要哭了)。如果他能在11月最终代表共和党竞选总统,我想我到时会投他一票。
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I got to know Donald Trump through the Apprentice several years ago. But I never noticed that he wrote books, and the books were quite popular. So I dig the books out and want to get a clue of his thoughts.
There are paragraphs I enjoyed a lot. No kidding.
Quote: I don't kid myself. Life is very fragile, and success does't change that. If anything, success makes it more fragile. Anything can change, without warning, and that's why I try not to take any of what's happened too seriously. Money was never a big motivation for me, except as a way to keep score. The real excitement is playing the game. I don't spend a lot of time worrying about what I should have done differently, or what's going to happen next. If you ask me exactly what deals I'm about to describe all add up to in the end, I'm not sure I have a very good answer. Except that I've had a very good time making them.
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