html5是近年来新发展起来的一个程序,今天东坡小编为大家带来一份完整的HTML5 Programmers Reference,是一本html5程序员手册,内容非常的经典!英文版的哦!
标准通用标记语言下的一个应用HTML标准自1999年12月发布的HTML4.01后,后继的HTML5和其它标准被束之高阁,为了推动Web标准化运动的发展,一些公司联合起来,成立了一个叫做 Web Hypertext Application Technology Working Group (Web超文本应用技术工作组 -WHATWG) 的组织。
HTML5 Programmers Reference内容介绍
The HTML5 Programmer's Reference aims to provide everything a programmer needs for understanding and using the new HTML5 family of standards. Previous HTML standards were focused on defining tags for marking up documents. The HTML5 family of standards not only includes new semantic tags but also defines exciting new JavaScript APIs that can be used to build rich, interactive web applications for both mobile and desktop platforms. The HTML5 Programmer's Reference focuses on providing real-world non-trivial examples to demonstrate concepts. Chapters include both in-depth discussions and full references for all HTML5 features, as well as extras like how to find the standards, the history of their evolution, and other examples and helpful resources. With this book the reader will learn everything they need to know to build the next generation of web applications.
HTML5 Programmers Reference预览
- PC官方版
- 安卓官方手机版
- IOS官方手机版