本软件是一款非常优秀的地图绘制软件,它可以查看和打印各类地图图形文件的程序,可以利用全球情报系统(GIS) 信息资源。
不仅能够将数据(例如:SRTM数据)显示为光栅地图、高程地图、矢量地图,还可以对地图作编辑、转换、打印、记录GPS及利用数据的GIS(地理信息系统)功能,6.xx版增加了直接访问USGS(美国地质勘探局)卫星照片TerraServer数据库和Global Mapper内部的地形图及以真实的3D方式查看高程地图的功能。
这次的和谐文件比上一个版本V14.0 精致很多,Vanstone同学为了简化和谐和汉化流程,特倾心制作了最新的GlobalMapper软件和谐汉化安装文件。只需一次安装即可享受以上所有成果!安装完成后可以从开始菜单的程序快捷方式中找到Global Mapper V14.1 chinese快捷方式,点击即可进入汉化版,简直就是一站式的服务!
Global Mapper(地图绘制工具)功能
·Added support for spatial databases (see list below) for both import and export.
·ESRI ArcSDE (requires ESRI license on machine and 32-bit only)
·ESRI File Geodatabase (includes raster and grid and all versions of file geodatabses, requires ESRI license on machine and 32-bit only)
·ESRI Personal Geodatabase (requires ESRI license on machine and 32-bit only)
·MySQL Spatial
·Oracle Spatial
·Added new Terrain Analysis menu and the ability to calculate the volume between 2 terrains as well as the ability to find ridge lines on loaded terrain data.
·Added support WFS (Web Feature Service) and WMTS (Web tiled WMS) for online data sources
·Many new formats, including support for writing CADRG/CIB and ASRP images and reading/writing Garmin JNX format files
·A number of usability enhancements including re-organizing the digitizer right click menus and introduction of a customizable Favorites menu for one-click access to the digitizer tool functionality
- PC官方版
- 安卓官方手机版
- IOS官方手机版