Source Code:
'*** Keeping track of how many times
'*** a user visits a web page, by
'*** reading and writing cookies.
'*** In this example "asphole" will be
'*** the name of our cookie, and
'*** "totalvisit" will be the 'key'
'*** value we keep track of. You can
'*** have multiple 'keys' for each
'*** cookie.
'*** Declare your variables
Dim NumVisit
'*** Check to see how many times they
'*** have been to your web page.
NumVisit = Request.Cookies("asphole")("totalvisit")
'*** If this is their first visit to
'*** the page NumVisit is blank, so
'*** make the value of NumVisit 0.
If NumVisit = "" Then
NumVisit = 0
End If
'*** Display how many times they have
'*** visited your web page.
Response.Write "Visits to this page: " & NumVisit
'*** Count the visit to the web page
NumVisit = NumVisit + 1
'*** Write the new total back to
'*** the cookie in their browser
Response.Cookies("asphole")("totalvisit") = NumVisit
'*** Specify when the cookie expires.
'*** If you don't, the cookie will
'*** expire when the user closes their
'*** browser, and you'll lose all info.
Response.Cookies("asphole").Expires = "January 1, 2020"